Taking or attempting to take any deer with the aid of real or artificial bait in Zones 1 to 10, or on state lands in Zones 11 and 12. (Any food, mineral, or chemical product designed to be eaten by deer is considered bait.)
(pg 26)
Attractants allowed during the statewide deer hunting seasons.
- Deer decoys during the early and late archery seasons only.
- All types of scent attractants (i.e., doe in heat, buck lure, urine, tarsal glands, food smells, smoke pole) that provide no substance for deer to consume. Hunters are encouraged to minimize the use of natural-based deer lures and avoid placing deer lures on clothes, skin, ground, or vegetation where deer can reach them.
- All types of sound attractants (i.e., doe calls, buck calls, antler rattling, electronic calls).
- Hunting over planted fields where normal agricultural planting, harvesting, or post-harvest manipulation is used.
In addition to the attractants listed above, the following are allowed ON PRIVATE LANDS ONLY in Deer Management Zones 11 and 12 during the archery, shotgun/rifle, and muzzleloader deer seasons.
- Minerals or chemicals that may be safely consumed by deer (i.e., salt lick)
- Artificial or natural foods placed, scattered, distributed or deposited (i.e., hay, grains, fruit, nuts–any foods that may be safely consumed by deer)
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that individuals hunting on private lands in Zones 11 and 12 consult with landowners prior to placing bait.
(pg 26)
Phone: 860-424-3000