Prohibited methods and equipment for taking game mammals and resident game birds:
Placing, exposing or distributing soporific, anesthetic, tranquilizer, hypnotic or similar drugs or chemicals; preparation by baits; or by other means where game birds or game animals may be affected.
(pg 16)
Feeding game
Taking game on lands or waters upon which corn, wheat, grain, food or other substances have been deposited by means other than normal agricultural harvesting or planting is prohibited, except as noted below.
- Non-migratory game may be hunted in proximity of year-round game-feeding stations on private lands, provided the feeding station has been maintained with feed for at least six months prior to taking game.
- Wild turkey may not be taken if the hunter is less than 100 yards from a game feeding station when feed is present.
- Placing, offering or allowing the placement of feed or garbage that is likely to create or creates a public nuisance by attracting bears is prohibited after receiving written notification from the FWC. The intentional feeding of bears is prohibited.
(pg 18)
Phone: 850-488-4676 or 386-758-0525