West Virginia

It is illegal to: bait or feed any wildlife on public land between September 1 and December 31 and during the spring gobbler seasons.

(pg 4)

Feeding and baiting of wildlife, and use of ATVs are not permitted on NPS property.
(pg 8)

Bait: any feed or edible enticement
Baiting: the direct or indirect placing or exposing of bait so as to attract or entice wildlife to an area where hunters are attempting to take them. An area is considered to be baited for 10 days after bait is removed.
(pg 9)

It is illegal to bait or feed at any time on Beech Fork Lake, Bluestone Lake, Burnsville Lake, Little Kanawha and McClintic WMAs and on Coopers Rock and Calvin Price State Forests.
(pg 11)

Includes all of Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral and Morgan counties.

It is illegal to bait or feed cervids or other wildlife in a "Containment Area" as determined by the Director and established for the management, control or eradication of chronic wasting disease or other wildlife diseases. Song and insectivorous birds may be fed, provided that such feeding shall not cause, or be done in a manner that would be reasonably anticipated to cause a congregation of cervids or other wildlife. Provided further, that captive cervids may be fed inside cervid facilities permitted by the state Department of Agriculture.
(pg 13)

Phone: 304-558-2784

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