State Deer Baiting Regulations


It is illegal to place bait for hunting on state lands.(pg 12) It is legal to bait deer except on state-owned or state-controlled properties.(pg 14) ARCHERY HUNTING AT LIBERTY, LOCH...


It is illegal to place bait for hunting on state lands.(pg 12) It is legal to bait deer except on state-owned or state-controlled properties.(pg 14) ARCHERY HUNTING AT LIBERTY, LOCH...


  A first offense of placing or hunting over bait for deer is minimum one-year license revocation. Second offense of placing or hunting over bait for deer is a minimum mandatory...


  A first offense of placing or hunting over bait for deer is minimum one-year license revocation. Second offense of placing or hunting over bait for deer is a minimum mandatory...


  Lands within WMA boundaries will have the same seasons and regulations pertaining to baiting and use of dogs as the WMA within which the lands are enclosed; however, with...


  Lands within WMA boundaries will have the same seasons and regulations pertaining to baiting and use of dogs as the WMA within which the lands are enclosed; however, with...


  Wild turkey or bears shall not be hunted by the aid of bait, nor shall areas be hunted where bait is present. This includes private lands baited for deer....


  Wild turkey or bears shall not be hunted by the aid of bait, nor shall areas be hunted where bait is present. This includes private lands baited for deer....


It is legal to bait deer, turkey, and other non-migratory game animals on private lands. It is not legal to bait while hunting or preparing to hunt on department or...


It is legal to bait deer, turkey, and other non-migratory game animals on private lands. It is not legal to bait while hunting or preparing to hunt on department or...


PROHIBITED DEVICES & ACTIVITIESYou may not use dogs, domestic animals, bait, radios, handguns, rifles, and crossbows (except as described below), automobiles, aircraft, electronic calls or any mechanical conveyance or device...


PROHIBITED DEVICES & ACTIVITIESYou may not use dogs, domestic animals, bait, radios, handguns, rifles, and crossbows (except as described below), automobiles, aircraft, electronic calls or any mechanical conveyance or device...