State Deer Baiting Regulations


Baiting of Big Game Animals Prohibited Except by Qualified Persons. Any legally blind person, person confined to a wheelchair, person hunting with a permit issued pursuant to W.S. § 23-3-304(d)(iv)...


Baiting of Big Game Animals Prohibited Except by Qualified Persons. Any legally blind person, person confined to a wheelchair, person hunting with a permit issued pursuant to W.S. § 23-3-304(d)(iv)...


  Counties where baiting and feeding of deer IS prohibited (shaded counties) Baiting wild animals for hunting purposes is prohibited. No person may place, use, or hunt over bait or...


  Counties where baiting and feeding of deer IS prohibited (shaded counties) Baiting wild animals for hunting purposes is prohibited. No person may place, use, or hunt over bait or...

West Virginia

It is illegal to: bait or feed any wildlife on public land between September 1 and December 31 and during the spring gobbler seasons. (pg 4) Feeding and baiting of wildlife,...

West Virginia

It is illegal to: bait or feed any wildlife on public land between September 1 and December 31 and during the spring gobbler seasons. (pg 4) Feeding and baiting of wildlife,...


  "Bait" is any substance that could serve as a lure, food, or attraction for deer or elk. Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful to hunt...


  "Bait" is any substance that could serve as a lure, food, or attraction for deer or elk. Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful to hunt...


  Bait shall mean any food, grain, or other consumable substance that could serve as a lure or attractant; however, crops grown for normal or accepted agriculture or wildlife management...


  Bait shall mean any food, grain, or other consumable substance that could serve as a lure or attractant; however, crops grown for normal or accepted agriculture or wildlife management...


Prohibited Activities: Feeding or baiting of wildlife.(pg 11) The following means of taking big game are not allowed: baiting, snares, traps, salt licks, jacks or other lights.(pg 24) It is illegal...


Prohibited Activities: Feeding or baiting of wildlife.(pg 11) The following means of taking big game are not allowed: baiting, snares, traps, salt licks, jacks or other lights.(pg 24) It is illegal...